Friday 17 August 2012

Motivation has become a popular word nowadays. There are motivational coaches and speakers, and motivational books and articles. What is it actually, and why do you need it?
Motivation is a driving force. In order to accomplish anything, you need a driving force, otherwise nothing will happen. A wish is not strong enough to make you take action. A wish is a weak desire. Only a strong desire can drive forward, to act and accomplish aims and goals.
In order to get motivated, you need to know exactly what it is that you want, to possess a strong desire, and to be willing to do whatever it takes to accomplish your goal.
More than often there is lack of motivation or only a short-lived one. How many times have you started enthusiastically a weight loss program, began a bodybuilding or aerobics training program or started to learn a foreign language, only to stop after a short while? Few people possess enough willpower and self-discipline to go through to the end with what they begin (this is one of the reasons I have written the book "Will Power and Self Discipline").
It easier to show motivation in connection with a subject that is dear to you. If you desire something, but you don't feel motivated enough to act, this means that the desire is not important enough. To be motivated to take action and do something in respect to your desire, you need to possess a really strong desire.
Motivation has much to do with the emotions and the imagination, which means that if you want to increase it, you have to work on your feelings and imagination.
Tips to increase your motivation:
1. Think, meditate and find out whether you really want to achieve your desire, and whether it is worth the effort and time.
2. Make your goal very clear. Writing it down will help.
3. Think often about your goal or desire.
4. Visualize your goal as already accomplished, and close your mind to contrary thoughts.
5. Read books or articles about the subject of your goal.
6. Read about people who have achieved success.
7. Think often about the benefits you will gain by achieving your goal.
8. Visualize, and think about how you would feel after achieving your goal.
9. Repeat positive affirmations such as: "I have the desire and inner strength to achieve my goal". Repeat this affirmation often, with faith and strong feelings.
10. Start with doing something small concerning your goal. Success in small matters leads to greater success.

Motivation is the powerful engine that moves you towards success and accomplishments in every area.

Friday 27 July 2012

What can I say about Think and Grow Rich that has not been said before? A book that took twenty five years of studying over 500 successful men and getting their secrets and philosophies on paper is a must read for any serious dreamer. Napoleon Hill, commissioned by Andrew Carnegie, studied the big names of the time from Henry Ford to Thomas Edison. He gathered their formulas for success and wrote the book.
Think and Grow Rich was a total paradigm shift for me. It showed me, for the first time in my life, that being rich was not a mysterious thing. It did not depend on some fairy or fate determining who gets rich and who remains poor. It opened my eyes to the fact that there was something I could do personally to get wealthy. It planted that seed in my head. I realised that my success all depends on me and what I do. I have control over my future.
You have no idea how exciting that was. It opened a whole new world of possibilities and though it took years for the message to grow and really take a hold in my mind it ultimately has. Like a seed that was planted it continues to grow and its effects are evident. Our thoughts are more powerful than we think. Every great man realises that.
Whether it is money, fame, power, contentment, personality, peace of mind or happiness that you seek the thirteen chapters of Think and Grow Rich will be well worth your time and money. You simply cannot read a book like this and not be changed in some way. Read it once, then twice, then thrice. Read it until its message becomes crystal clear to you. If you really want to make your dreams come true that will come easy.
The book is written in a simple and easy to understand manner with lots of exercises to help you along and plenty of practical examples of how these principles have worked for some of the world’s richest and most successful men.
Invest in yourself. Buy a book today.
Quick Quote:
“TRULY, ‘thoughts are things,’ and powerful things at that, when they are mixed with definiteness of purpose, persistence, and a burning desire for their translation into riches, or other material objects.”

Saturday 23 June 2012

Power of positive thinking

James Allen describes one of the best analogies on the power of positive thinking that I have ever read in his timeless classic “As a Man Thinketh.” He likens the mind to a garden. If planted with beautiful plants and carefully nurtured and tended to, the garden will yield beautiful flowers and be a place of comfort, beauty and peace. If neglected, weeds will creep in and destroy the beauty and yield thorns, destruction and harshness. Of-course, some twisted or strange gardener may actually deliberately plant weeds and unpleasant plants.

It is the same with the mind. If you plant beautiful, healthy thoughts into your mind you will reap a beautiful, healthy life. If you plant negative thoughts you will reap destruction and despair in your life. If you neglect to feed your mind healthy thoughts and to protect it from negative thoughts, the weeds of destruction will creep in and choke your mind. Another way thoughts can be planted in your mind is through Subliminal messages.

The power of positive thinking will yield good results in the same way that negative thinking will yield bad results.
You cannot sow poison ivy and hope to reap apples. You cannot think negative thoughts and hope to live a positive life. Seedtime and harvest are the laws we live by. You reap what you sow. You live what you think. You live what you say.That is why it is important to say the right things and sometimes we have to make a deliberate effort to do so through positive affirmations.
Here is a quote that can be related to the power of positive thinking:
Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.
A life of success and achievement is a direct result of utilizing the power of positive thinking. The most important asset you have in your quest to live your dreams? It’s right under your nose. Actually your nose is part of it. It’s simply – YOU. More specifically YOUR MIND.


Your thoughts are the most important asset you have in your desire to achieve your dreams. They affect you in ways you never thought possible. The truth is, whether you know it or not, your thoughts are responsible for whatever place or situation you are in right now.
Nobody would argue that electricity exists. You can’t touch, smell, hear or see it, but its effects are evident everywhere you look. Its power is evident everywhere you look.
In the same way, your thoughts are energy. Your thoughts drive your life just as electricity drives a motor. That is the power there is in having a positive mental attitude.

Yes, I am not the first one to say this and I bet I won’t be the last either. You know why? Because it is true. It’s simple, but true. There is power in thoughts; in negative and in positive thinking. Choose positive thinking and you will enjoy positive energy and positive results.
YOU ARE WHAT YOU THINK.This is one of my favorite positive thinking quotes:
If you think you are beaten you are;
If you think you dare not, you don't;
If you want to win but think you can't;
It's almost a cinch you won't.
If you think you'll lose you're lost;
For out of the world we find
Success begins with a fellow's will;
It's all in a state of mind.
Life's battles don't always go
To the stronger and faster man,
But sooner or later the man who wins
Is the man who thinks he can.

Motivation to achieve success - what is a dreamer?

But before we go any further, let me qualify what a dreamer is because people often don’t appreciate being called dreamers. In-fact, it’s almost an insult to call someone a dreamer these days. It’s associated with having your head in the clouds and not being realistic. So let me explain.
A dreamer is a person who is not afraid to challenge society’s norms and not afraid to tread their own path rather than following the well-trodden path. A dreamer is someone who is always willing to take a chance and always asks why before doing something that others are doing blindly. A dreamer is a person who has a great futuristic picture which they work to achieve at all costs. Dreamers are world changers.
Dreamers chart their own course and destiny. Dreamers are always striving to be the person they were meant to be and are not afraid to be different. I believe every one of us is born unique in every way, but over the years we work very hard to become like everyone else.


Motivation to achieve success - Don't follow the crowd

Society’s commonsense tells us that that is the way to go. Unfortunately, commonsense is not always good-sense. It’s just common. If you are a dreamer you cannot afford to work on society’s assumptions and standards. You have to be unique.
For instance, a lot of people have spent anything from 15 to 20 years getting an education so they can have that perfect job and earn a huge salary. Unfortunately for most, the perfect job and the huge earnings never materialize. They only have the long hard years of work and loads of papers with unpronounceable names to show for it.

Most of them have lost touch with the very people they are working so hard to provide for - their husband, wife and children, all because of having to “work hard” for a living. Yet few ask themselves if there is a better way. They blindly follow what they’ve always been taught.
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